2016-17: Lectures
As you Give so shall you Receive (7 Mins) - in Gujarati
DECEMBER 2017 - Cooperation and Collaboration (સહકાર) and future of the community (3 mins)

JUNE - 2017 - “Challenges we face on ‘Our Family life’ and Achievable Solutions” – Presentation at HIC – Orlando – USA – February 2017 - CLICK ON THE LINK:
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDB2z81iZA0
Tensions and challenges facing the KSIMC & the Steps we Need to Take
.....Today, it is not uncommon to find a young boy or a girl sitting in his room for hours using the internet. Half the time, parents do not know what is being watched. This technology has made us hermit. The sadness is that we do not even realise that we are becoming hermit. We are passive recipients of whatever information is being fed to us. This has an adverse affect on social skills that is coming up with ideas ourselves or to build relationships. We are all subject to these influences but the key is to decipher how they affect the mind. What values are being imparted to a young mind? Why is that people do not really find mosque relevant? It is because there are other spheres of attraction which are satisfying their intellectual and social needs. This requires great introspection from us.....
Article: https://www.dropbox.com/home?preview=2017+-+2+-+TENSIONS+and+CHALLENGES+FACING+KSIMC+and+THE+STEPS+WE+NEED+TO+TAKE+-+FINAL.pdf
Gujarati Lectures
TENSIONS and CALLENGES FACING KSIMC - Part 1 (13 Mins) – click on:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGrX-E94DSA
TENSIONS and CHALLENGES FACING KSIMC - Part 2 ( 13 Mins) – click on:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKMTkLdoKTI
TENSIONS and CHALLENGES FACING KSIMC + Q&A - Part 3 (25 Mins) – click on:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYpCEYcZLDg
AUGUST 2016 - Our Youth! Why Should We Worry? – Concluding Part 2
…….We must realise that one solution does not fit all. Some youth will come closer to Islam through lectures, while others through spirituality, while others through community activism, while others through sports. A lot needs to be done but the means to achieve it in terms of processes are already present within our institutional infrastructure be it Jamaat, Regional Federation or World Federation. What we need is to be critical of what we know about youths and then have the determination to collectively implement successful programs to meet their needs….. To read on click http://awakeningproject.page.tl/Our-Youth-ar--Why-Should-We-Worry-f--%26%238211%3B-Concluding-Part-2.htm
JUNE 2016 - Our Youth! Why Should We Worry? – Part 1
“Those who work at the coalface of the community such as madrasah teachers, volunteers, social workers and executive committee members of our Jamaat know that it is easy to list and explain challenges but hard to propose resolutions for these challenges. It is, therefore,not hard to conclude that if these challenges are not sufficiently addressed then it will affect their own future, future of their families and also the future of our own community. Let us be very clear in our mind that the type of youth we raise today will dictate the type and shape of the future KSI Muslim community in the UK ”
MAY 2016 - What is our attitude towards our Language, Love for One’s Community, Communal Interaction, Marriage, Children, Technology, Individualism and Secularity?
The results of the survey carried out by The Awakening Project in 2015 show a fundamental connection amongst respondents, male or female, with the language, culture and community of their Khoja origin. Moving on towards Marriage and children, majority of respondents stated that it was less important to marry early and have a family of four children or more. Watching TV and browsing the internet was an intriguing statistic showing just how much technology plays a role our lives today. The final statistic is extremely revealing. 34.3% of respondents believe they are facing a conflict between their KSIM identity and modern Western culture. This number cannot be ignored.
MARCH 2016 - Vision for the Family – PRINCIPLES FOR SUCCESS IN FAMILY LIFE - Letter 31 of Imam Ali a.s. (Use earphones for best listening)

Gujarati lecture - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2OccyXRHR0
“We need to reawaken a ‘value-based’ approach to the family unit that re-emphasises basic moral codes such as respect, patience, struggle, simplicity, reflection and social ties. Arguably, we live in a society where everything is accessible and quickly obtainable and when we do not get what we want, we easily complain. We therefore lose our patience, the ability to struggle through issues and maintain a simple-orientated (not undignified) life. Commodities, values, relationships, and trust are easily replaceable or rejected depending on our preference and what we want. Yet these are the very things that we need to keep and struggle for. Relationships may not be easy but build over time, commodities may be obtainable but are ultimately transitory and trust may be hard to find but once found give security and happiness. Imam Ali a.s. has leftSEVEN principles for success in family life…
For more information please click on :- http://awakeningproject.page.tl/PRINCIPLES-FOR-SUCCESS-IN-FAMILY-LIFE.htm
JANUARY 2016 - Now, I am true to myself, I am alive....
"Our human dignity is under attack. Let it not shatter. Let it not be hijacked. Be resolute against all injustices. Then, let the magnificence of our dignity shine out as beacon of hope and mercy. Now, I am true to myself, I am alive ....."